The Patriot Post® · Friday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

JOB GROWTH PREVAILS: October job creation comes in at 128,000, easily topping estimates even with GM auto strike (CNBC)

RAISING THE STAKES: Warren reveals $52 trillion Medicare for All plan, absurdly claims no middle tax increase necessary (National Review)

Impeachment Charade

COUNTERING THE NARRATIVE: Latest impeachment witness contradicts Alexander Vindman’s claim that key details were left out of Ukraine call transcript (National Review)

PRIMER: Four keys to understanding a Trump impeachment trial in the Senate (The Daily Signal)

Government & Politics

WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN: Katie Hill’s farewell speech: I’m the victim here, America (Hot Air)

“I HAVE BEEN TREATED VERY BADLY”: Trump makes Florida his primary residence, but says New York will “have a special place in my heart” (Fox News)

National Security

PLAYING WITH FIRE: Trump admin again gives Iran green light to conduct sensitive nuclear work (The Washington Free Beacon)

NUCLEAR OVERTURES: North Korea launches missile test, prompting escalation fears (U.S. News & World Report)

AID BLOCKED: U.S. withholding $105 million in security aid for Lebanon (Reuters)


“THIS CASE NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED”: Kentucky Supreme Court sides with Christian T-shirt maker in free-speech case (The Daily Signal)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The shameless hypocrisy of cities suing for climate-change “damages” (Issues & Insights)

POLICY: States can use funny math on Medicaid expansion economic claims (The Heartland Institute)

HUMOR: Obama canceled after activists dig up old presidential campaign where he opposed gay marriage (The Babylon Bee)

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