The Patriot Post® · Monday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

THE HOT SEAT: House Republicans will call Hunter Biden to testify publicly as their top impeachment witness (National Review)

TAKING MATTERS INTO ITS OWN HANDS? Report: Ukraine’s military aid was finally released by the State Department, days before Trump claims he released it (Hot Air)

Government & Politics

BETTER LATE THAN NEVER: Thirty years overdue: Reagan statue unveiled in Berlin (Hot Air)

NOT SO KEEN ON SOCIALISM: Elizabeth Warren plays to nearly empty hall (The Daily Wire)

JETTISONING THE SWAMP: Rep. Peter King is one of several Republicans — four senators and 17 other House members — who have announced plans to not seek reelection (Fox News)

PUTTING THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE: “It wasn’t me”: Alleged ABC whistleblower denies leaking video (The Daily Caller)

DEMOCRAT LACKEYS: Facebook and YouTube block spread of supposed whistleblower’s name and photo — even though Adam Schiff’s committee published the man’s name last week (The Washington Post)

National Security

SYRIA CONTINGENCY: U.S. will leave up to 600 troops in northeastern Syria to prevent ISIS resurgence, top general says (The Washington Post)

Other Notables

TONE DEAF: Giant, climate-killing mural of Greta Thunberg now graces environmentally hazardous downtown San Francisco (The Daily Wire)

“WE WILL SPARE NO EFFORT”: Hong Kong police shoot protester, man set on fire (Associated Press)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The Berlin Wall is gone, but its lessons remain (National Review)

POLICY: Why Democrats are wrong about income inequality in the United States (The Federalist)

HUMOR: Adam Schiff schedules the next five years of Trump impeachment hearings (Genesius Times)

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