The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

SEMANTICS: Legal status of “Dreamers” comes down to arcane, procedural case at Supreme Court: Did Mr. Trump and his aides check all the correct procedural boxes when they announced the phaseout? (The Washington Times)

LAWLESSNESS: 2020 Democrats plan deportation freeze: “The result would basically be open borders” (The Washington Free Beacon)

Government, Politics, & Heartland

POOR PROGNOSIS: Google gathering healthcare data on millions of Americans with secret “Project Nightingale” (National Review)

INTERESTING GIVEN THE LEFT’S SKEWED VIEW OF “SCIENCE”: EPA to limit science used to write public health rules (The New York Times)

BOGUS LAWSUIT: The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to block a lawsuit brought by parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting against Remington, the firearms manufacturer that made the AR-15 rifle used in the shooting. (National Review)

NO JURISDICTION: Judge dismisses Trump lawsuit over New York tax returns (Fox News)

THE WANING POWER OF UNIONS: Education unions in Oregon and Washington report sharp declines in membership and revenue (The Washington Free Beacon)


ESCALATION: Israel hit by rockets from Gaza after airstrike kills Islamic Jihad leader (NBC News)

BARGAINING CHIP: Turkey’s Erdogan warns that it can release ISIS prisoners back to Europe as lawmakers seek to have Erdogan’s White House invitation rescinded (Fox News)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Three reforms Congress can build on to get the budget under control (The Heritage Foundation)

POLICY: Four feminist lies that are making women miserable (The Federalist)

HUMOR: Church that believes exactly what the world believes not sure why no one bothers coming to church anymore (The Babylon Bee)

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