The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

PIVOTAL MOMENT: Closest witnesses kicking off big impeachment week (Associated Press)

NEW TRANSCRIPT: Impeachment witness says Ukraine “gradually came to understand that they were being asked to do something” (The Hill)

Government & Politics

YET ANOTHER PROBE: Perjury? House Democrats open investigation into whether President Trump lied to Robert Mueller (The Daily Wire)

TAX RETURNS ON HOLD: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts puts hold on release of Trump tax returns (The Resurgent)

JUNK CARE FOR ALL: Elizabeth Warren relies on rationing in Medicare for All plan; cost-cutting measures would likely lead to long wait-times, limited care (The Washington Free Beacon)

CONFLICT OF INTEREST, CONTINUED: Ilhan Omar funneled another $150,000 to alleged lover’s consulting group (New York Post)

National Security

WOLVES AMONG SHEEP: Nearly 80,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients have prior arrest records (National Review)

MIGRATION GATEWAY: Tough Trump asylum policy prompts migrants to enter U.S. and then flee to Canada (Washington Examiner)

Culture & Heartland

CAPITULATION: Chick-fil-A to stop donating to Christian charities branded “anti-LGBT” (The Daily Wire)

“I WANT THEM TO KNOW HOW”: Utah police training teachers for active shootings (Washington Examiner)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Solar panels produce tons of toxic waste — literally (Foundation for Economic Education)

POLICY: The Antifederalists were eerily prophetic (Foundation for Economic Education)

HUMOR: Chick-fil-A trades adoring Christian fans for outraged mob that won’t be appeased until its every demand is met (The Babylon Bee)

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