The Patriot Post® · Thursday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

LACKLUSTER DEBATE: A dull debate Wednesday night helps the front-runners (National Review)

NO OTHER AVENUE: Embattled UAW President Gary Jones resigns after GM sues rival over union bribery (MarketWatch)

Government & Politics

NOTHING TO SEE HERE… Ukraine widens criminal investigation into Biden-connected Burisma (The Daily Wire)

SPEAKING OF CORRUPTION: DNA test of love child confirms Hunter Biden cheated on his dead brother’s widow (PJ Media)

SOLIDARITY: U.S. House passes Hong Kong rights bills; Trump is expected to sign (Reuters)

National Security

FEDS TOO SLOW TO RESPOND: Senate report: U.S. taxpayers have unwittingly funded China’s economy and military for decades (The Daily Wire)

TIP OF THE ICEBERG: DOJ inspector general finds “numerous issues” with FBI management of secret sources (Washington Examiner)


RAINBOW MAFIA: Illinois school district gives transgender students unrestricted access to bathrooms (The Daily Signal)

MIND-BOGGLING: Children are being locked away, alone and terrified, in schools across Illinois. Often, it’s against the law. (Chicago Tribune)

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: Jussie Smollett files suit against Chicago for “malicious prosecution” (National Review)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: A pro-growth alternative to the Left’s tax-hike agenda (The Daily Signal)

POLICY: Setting the record straight on the value of U.S. military aid to Ukraine (The Daily Signal)

“HUMOR”: Poll: Majority want impeachment hearings to continue as long as possible so Congress will be too busy to meddle with our lives (The Babylon Bee)

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