The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

WRAPPING UP: Trump impeachment report could drop next week, though summoning additional witnesses isn’t being ruled out (AFP)

GOP RETORT: House Republicans drafting rebuttal to counter Democrats’ impeachment report (Washington Examiner)

Government & Politics

MUST COMPLY: Former White House counsel Donald McGahn must testify to Congress, judge rules; administration will appeal (The New York Times)

TRUMP FINANCIALS SHIELDED: Supreme Court blocks House committee from immediately reviewing Trump’s financial records (The Washington Post)

SILENCE SPEAKS VOLUMES: Ex-Pentagon aide Guy Snodgrass evades answering if he’s anonymous author of anti-Trump book A Warning (Fox News)

OBSTRUCTIONISTS AT THE HELM: Three years into Trump administration, a quarter of embassy slots are vacant, leaving State Department bureaucrats in charge (The Daily Caller)

AN AFFRONT TO FREE SPEECH: Justice Samuel Alito pens fiery dissent after Supreme Court declines to hear dispute between climate professor Michael Mann and National Review (Fox News)

ON CROSS-EXAMINATION: Four big questions about the inspector general report on FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign (The Daily Signal)

Other Notables

MOVING ON: Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher to retire from active duty, will not take part in a review board (Fox News)

REVENUE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY: California Department of Motor Vehicles makes $50 million a year selling drivers’ info to private companies (National Review)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Disaster looms for Democrats as Trump goes “bigly” with blacks (Roger L. Simon)

POLICY: In 2020, the world should pay more attention to the South China Sea (The Economist)

HUMOR: Local man who’s never given a dollar to charity mad Jeff Bezos only donated $98.5 million to homeless (Genesius Times)

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