The Patriot Post® · Monday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

NO THANKS: White House won’t participate in first House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing on Wednesday (The Hill)

OPEN BORDERS ANYONE? Mexico gun battle near Texas border between suspected cartel members and police leaves at least 21 dead (Fox News)

National Security

POTUS IN MIDDLE EAST: Trump surprises U.S. troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving, announces new talks with Taliban (The Washington Times)

MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED: DHS still can’t identify all separated families from zero-tolerance border fiasco (The Washington Times)

JUSTICE SERVED? Mexican authorities make arrests in killings of American Mormons (The Washington Post)

Around the Nation

RETAIL NUMBERS: Black Friday shopping at brick-and-mortar stores dropped by 6% as consumers spent record online (CNBC)

RAINBOW MAFIA: Hallmark Channel holiday movies under fire from the diversity police (Hot Air)

Other Notables

SEXUAL MISCONDUCT?: New scandal hits Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador involved in impeachment hearings (The Daily Wire)

LEFTMEDIA HACK FIRED: Newsweek reporter fired over bungled Trump Thanksgiving story (The Washington Times)

BRUTAL CRACKDOWN: Iran kills hundreds of unarmed protesters as Quran expert warns it may kill thousands (The Daily Wire)

KNOWN ASSAILANT: London Bridge attacker had been jailed for terror crimes; two fatally stabbed (The Washington Times)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The middle class always pays: Europe shows how the Warren-Sanders agenda really works (The Wall Street Journal)

POLICY: How UK free-riding on U.S. drug innovation is affecting Brexit (The Federalist)

HUMOR: Leftists protest new Mister Rogers film for controversial message of being nice to everyone (The Babylon Bee)

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