The Patriot Post® · Thursday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

NEXT STAGE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asks Jerry Nadler to proceed with drafting articles of impeachment (National Review)

GETTING ACTUAL BUSINESS DONE: The Senate confirmed four federal judges while the House heard impeachment testimony (The Daily Caller)

Impeachment Inquisition

THREE OUT OF FOUR, ANYWAY: Professors make impeachment case (Associated Press)

THE FOURTH PROF? “The current legal case for impeachment is not just woefully inadequate, but … dangerous” (

AWKWARD: Jerry Nadler dozes off during impeachment hearing (PJ Media)

Government & Politics

ADIOS: Trump cancels NATO press conference, heads back to DC after being mocked by Justin Trudeau (The Daily Wire)

HARD PILL TO SWALLOW: Pelosi drug-pricing plan could keep 100 new medicines from reaching patients (The Washington Free Beacon)

THE CATALYST? A BUTTERFLY SANCTUARY: Judge temporarily halts construction of a private border wall in Texas (The Hill)

Other Notables

RUSSIANS CHARGED: Two Russian hackers charged in sweeping malware attack on U.S. (NBC News)

KEY WITNESS AN “IMPOSTER”? George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin’s family for $100 million in damages (NBC News)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Principled inaction in the face of climate-change extremism (Human Events)

POLICY: The surprising role of high-income families in student debt trends (American Enterprise Institute)

HUMOR: House hears testimony from renowned, unbiased legal scholar Hillga Clintonheimer (The Babylon Bee)

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