The Patriot Post® · Surge in Black Voter Support for Trump

By Patrick Hampton ·

Results from the Rasmussen, Marist, and Emerson polls slam the nail in the coffin for the Democrat Party’s grasp on black voters. Let’s decode what these numbers mean.

For the greater part of the past century, Democrats have enjoyed an iron grip on the African-American vote. But since 2016, many blacks have awakened to ideological freedom.

Like distracted felines, Democrats and mainstream media are chasing the laser pointer of the pointless impeachment hearings. Meanwhile, and unbeknownst to them, their precious mice are making their great escape.

While none of these polls are indicative of actual voter turnout, Democrats would do well to address this red alert at the next presidential debate. It would behoove these hopefuls to stand on the national stage, face America and answer why black voters are openly walking away en masse. They have some explaining to do.

If I were a moderator, I would ask these presidential hopefuls the following:

Why do you believe some black people are leaving the Democrat Party or refuse to vote for this party in the first place? In which areas can this party improve as they have historically claimed to offer the most solutions for this voter bloc?

Should the House and Senate decide to impeach President Donald Trump and remove him from office, what will be done to ensure the First Step Act will remain a priority?

Should the Republican president lose the 2020 election, how will Democrats atone for generations of inaction on black issues?

Lastly, if the future presidency belongs to someone other than Trump, is it possible for a Democrat president to sustain the lowest black employment rate in decades? What can Democrats offer blacks that the Republicans haven’t already? The streak seems mighty bleak as Republicans are already responsible for so many benefits to blacks.

For Democrats who are concerned about their party’s future, the BLEXIT reality is sinking in. To go into 2020 without a genuine game plan for the black community would be to push us across the point of no return. The polls have spoken. Where is the Democrats’ response?