The Patriot Post® · Monday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

AT LONG LAST: Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report being released today as Democrats prep impeachment hearing (Fox News)

PREMISE: House Judiciary Committee releases report defining impeachable offenses before today’s hearing (The Daily Caller)

VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION? Trump heads to court in fight over emoluments clauses (The Hill)

National Security

AN OVERLY OPTIMISTIC PICTURE: U.S. officials misled public about progress in Afghanistan: “The American people have constantly been lied to” (National Review)

POSSIBLE ACT OF TERRORISM: Authorities identify Pensacola naval base shooter as Saudi national (National Review)

NARRATIVE BUSTER: Border Patrol agent debunks viral video showing illegal immigrant scaling Trump wall (The Daily Wire)

Heartland & Economy

UNFORTUNATELY, THE CASE IS STILL PROCEEDING TO TRIAL: A biased California judge dropped six of the 15 bogus charges filed against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt related to their undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood (LifeNews,com)

SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION: Bankrupt PG&E reaches $13.5 billion settlement with California wildfire victims (Reuters)

SEVERE DISRUPTION: Tighter government climate regulations by 2025 could wipe up to $2.3 trillion off the value of companies in industries ranging from fossil fuel producers to agriculture and car makers (Reuters)

FACING UP TO FIVE YEARS IN JAIL: First person charged under Florida “red flag” law found guilty (Fox News)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Study confirms the healthcare dangers of a public option (Washington Examiner)

POLICY: “Free” college is a terrible idea. Here’s a better one. (National Review)

HUMOR: World’s high-school dropouts reveal they’ve actually been protesting climate change this whole time (The Babylon Bee)

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