The Patriot Post® · Thursday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

PARTISAN IMPEACHMENT: Despite zero Republican support and two Democrat defections, House impeaches Trump for abuse of power, obstruction of Congress (NBC News)

QUID PRO QUO: Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles so that Mitch McConnell will yield to their trial stipulations (The Boston Globe)

Government & Politics

“A DECISION I STRUGGLED WITH GREATLY”: Mark Meadows to leave Congress at end of term (Fox News)

DOUBLE-JEOPARDY VIOLATION: New York judge tosses state fraud case against Paul Manafort (NBC News)

LEGAL WRANGLING: Fifth Circuit declares individual mandate unconstitutional, punts on whether rest of Affordable Care Act must fall (The Volokh Conspiracy)

TIP OF THE ICEBERG? Michael Horowitz examining past FISA applications to determine if FBI’s “basic errors” are systemic (National Review)

“MINISTERIAL EXCEPTION”: Supreme Court will hear two obscure but important religious liberty cases (Washington Examiner)

COINCIDING WITH SLIPPING POLL NUMBERS: Elizabeth Warren scales back “Medicare for All” plan on 2020 campaign trail (The Washington Times)

WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE, WHO NEEDS ENEMIES? UN peacekeepers fathered, then abandoned, hundreds of children in Haiti (The Washington Post)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Seven ways to reform the obviously corrupt FISA surveillance system (The Federalist)

POLICY: Refocusing higher education on career outcomes (Manhattan Institute)

HUMOR: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is threatening to withhold the Articles of Impeachment from the Senate until she gets something that will incriminate her political enemy, Donald Trump (Genesius Times)

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