The Patriot Post® · Battleground Virginia: Dems' All-Out Assault on Americans

By Patrick Hampton ·

Virginians are fighting back against the assault on Second Amendment rights in the commonwealth. The Democrat majority of Virginia’s General Assembly lobs threats against Virginia residents and law enforcement who refuse to comply with the new SB 16 legislation, which prohibits a person from the sale, purchase, and possession of an “assault” firearm, among other restrictions.

It didn’t take long after Democrats won a majority in the General Assembly to introduce gun-grabbing legislation. Yes, the same Democrats who claim, “We aren’t trying to take your guns,” are attempting to enforce draconian laws that only serve to disempower the most vulnerable residents.

And just when you thought totalitarianism was dead, Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA) suggests cutting off state tax revenue to “2A Sanctuaries” — or counties that don’t comply with gun-control measures. So far, 80 counties have passed 2A sanctuary resolutions. Irresponsibly, McEachin recommended the mobilization of the National Guard to enforce the law should the bill pass.

If that doesn’t enrage you, this will: Democrats state that law-enforcement officers who do not enforce SB 16 will suffer consequences and “should face prosecution,” which sounds exactly like the start of a police state.

Gun-grabbing Democrats hold hands and chant in unison, “No one is above the law,” not knowing how much they empower the evil among us — criminals, perpetrators, and terrorists who ravage high-crime areas. They say this is about protecting citizens from gun violence. But from whom, exactly?

Criminals are criminals because they don’t follow laws that already exist. Can we expect a violent offender to flip to local news in Chesapeake and change his mind about carrying a certain type of gun? Only the most gullible among us believe such. But can we expect a disempowered law-abiding citizen to comply? Sadly, yes.

With the passage of this legislation, Democrats take fire on the good citizens of the Virginia commonwealth, their shots — guided by nonsense gun-control narratives and aimed at the wrong targets — ricochet and hit innocent citizens. The missing piece of the puzzle is for lawmakers to redefine what an assault firearm is. As they say, “If you give an inch…”

Among the innocent are members of urban communities who may not have the privilege of law-enforcement protection due to the high saturation of crime. What about protecting the “black and brown” people in these areas that Democrats claim to love? And what of rural Virginians who may be too far from the nearest police precinct?

I urge Democrats to understand this: to disarm a law-abiding citizen is to handily give ammunition to criminals who care nothing about your so-called laws and threats.

I urge McEachin to publicly apologize for his reckless statements implying use of the National Guard to be descended upon the non-compliant should SB 16 pass. Totalitarianism is sinful.

I urge Americans to pay attention to what is happening in Virginia. This could be coming to your state, soon. But also understand that this is exactly why we vote.

Lastly, and most importantly, I urge the faithful to pray that our Lord and Savior covers the commonwealth and shields its citizens as they prepare for the battle that lies ahead.