The Patriot Post® · Tuesday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

AT LONG LAST: House prepares to vote Wednesday to transmit Trump impeachment articles to the Senate, where it will be disposed of (CNBC)

376 MILES OF NEW FENCING: Trump planning to divert additional $7.2 billion in Pentagon funds for border barriers (The Washington Post)

Business & Economy

BROKERING: U.S. drops designation of China as currency manipulator ahead of trade agreement (National Review)

THE TRUTH ABOUT POVERTY: Child poverty in the U.S. is at an all-time low, and saying otherwise does not help American families (Institute for Family Studies)

DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT: Stocks are up 495% in the past decade — here’s why you probably aren’t (MarketWatch)

National Security

TERRORISM IN THE HOMELAND: NAS Pensacola shooting was an “act of terrorism,” Attorney General William Barr says; U.S. to expel 21 Saudi nationals in training program (Fox News)

SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: According to Fox News, “Barr says DOJ was consulted before Soleimani strike as Trump goes on defensive.” The Leftmedia spin regarding Trump’s comments is a distinction without a difference, and it’s meant to make it look like this was a conspiracy to kill some innocent Iranian without justification.

Government & Politics

PREEMPTION: Here’s a setup story from The New York Times to undermine anything about the Bidens and Burisma so that if something emerges on Joe, it can be written off as “Russian meddling”: “Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment.”

DEZINFORMATSIYA: TV’s Trump news: three-fourths impeachment and 93% negative (NewsBusters)

FOR THE RECORD: Hillary Clinton vindicated on corruption charges? Hardly. (Issues & Insights)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Obama’s midnight regulations, lawsuits still hamper the U.S. economy (Issues & Insights)

POLICY: The why and how of market-driven medical care (RealClearPolicy)

HUMOR: Mitch McConnell sends Pelosi shirt reading “I impeached the president and all I got was this lousy T-shirt” (The Babylon Bee)

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