The Patriot Post® · Monday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

HERE’S HOPING FRINGE GROUPS DON’T HIJACK IT: Virginia braces for gun-rights rally as worries over violence, hate groups, and militias grow (Fox News)

POTENTIALLY BIG RAMIFICATIONS: Supreme Court to hear “faithless electors” case (NPR)

Government & Politics

GOOD RIDDANCE: School lunch guidelines rolled back on Michelle Obama’s birthday (Hot Air)

BEHAVE — OR ELSE: GOP senators considering “kill switch” option should impeachment trial spiral out of control (Fox News)

KARMA: Chuck Schumer’s 1999 letter about impeachment comes back to bite him (New York Post)

STATISM’S DEEP ROOTS: Supreme Court again agrees to consider ObamaCare contraceptive-mandate exemptions (National Review)

NOT THE RIGHT VENUE: Federal court dismisses teenagers’ climate-change case against the government (Washington Examiner)

Other Notables

CORRUPTION: Puerto Rico governor under fire after emergency aid found sitting in warehouse (Townhall)

A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS: Mexican troops block U.S.-bound caravan travelers (AFP)

DECLINE: The Women’s March took place Saturday and attendance was way down. Again. (The Daily Wire)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The woke Left versus Martin Luther King Jr. (Washington Examiner)

POLICY: Trump’s vast deregulatory landscape goes unnoticed by the experts (E21)

HUMOR: DNC to take 90% of Bernie’s votes and redistribute them to less popular candidates (Genesius Times)

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