The Patriot Post® · Tuesday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

FLIMSY CHARGES: McConnell proposes swift impeachment trial with long days (AP)

CUT TO THE CHASE: The Senate impeachment trial: eight things you need to know (The Daily Signal)

FINANCIAL AID IN THE CROSSHAIRS: Supreme Court takes up church-state separation in Christian schools case (NBC News)

Government & Politics

INDIVIDUAL MANDATE PUNTED: Supreme Court won’t rule on ObamaCare before Election Day, declines to fast track (NBC News)

AMBIGUOUS FUNDRAISING NUMBERS: Trump outraises individual Democrats but is behind the pack (The Resurgent)

NO FREE SPEECH (OR FACTS) ALLOWED: Denver Post columnist fired after arguing there are two sexes (The Washington Free Beacon)

2020 Contrast

FOR THE RECORD: Illegal border crossings fall a staggering 90% in Arizona following Trump policy change (The Daily Wire)

AND WHAT DOES SANDERS WANT? Sanders floats “moratorium on 99%” of deportations, demolition of border wall (National Review)


“NO PLANS TO SEND THEM OUT”: Iran backtracks on plan to send flight recorders to Ukraine (AP)

FAILED “REFORMS”: Mexico murders rise to record 34,582 in AMLO’s first year in office (Bloomberg)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Yes, Trump deserves credit on black unemployment (Washington Examiner)

POLICY: Let’s not squander the opportunity to increase organ donations and save lives (National Review)

SATIRE: Media offers thoughts and prayers that someone would start some violence at gun-rights rally (The Babylon Bee)

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