The Patriot Post® · Wednesday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

“REMEMBER WHERE [YOU] ARE”: Chief Justice Roberts admonishes both sides at Senate impeachment trial, after marathon session erupts into shouting match; meanwhile, McConnell’s trial rules are adopted 53-47 (Fox News)

LESSONS UNLEARNED: Virginia Senate advances “red flag” gun law, despite rally (AP)

SETTING EXAMPLES: Virginia rally attendees pick up trash following event (MRCTV)


TIT FOR TAT: Senate Democrats privately mull witness trade in impeachment trial: A Biden for Bolton (The Washington Post)

SYSTEMIC HATE: Another Bernie staffer allegedly promotes violence: Kill the rich, put Republicans in camps (The Daily Wire)

WARNINGS IGNORED: Hillary defends the Clintons’ longtime association with Harvey Weinstein, and it does not go well at all (Red State)

“MALICIOUS INTENT”: Tulsi Gabbard files defamation lawsuit against Hillary for dubbing her a “Russian asset” (The Daily Wire)


“MY GOAL IS TO UNVEIL THE TRUTH ABOUT ABORTION”: New England Patriots tight end and pro-lifer Benjamin Watson producing abortion documentary (The Hollywood Reporter)

TAXPAYER-SOURCED FUNDING: Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows Big Abortion needs Big Government (

“THE DEVIL HAD ME”: Kanye West preaches Jesus Christ to 12,000 students (The Daily Wire)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The lethal legal legacy of Roe v. Wade (Washington Examiner)

POLICY: When will the #MeToo movement address pornography? (Washington Examiner)

HUMOR: Democrats align with with Iraqi Baath party in last ditch effort against Trump (Genesius Times)

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