The Patriot Post® · Friday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

CARTER PAGE FALLOUT: DOJ rules Comey’s FBI had “insufficient predication to establish probable cause” in FISA scandal (The Daily Wire)

A TALE OF TWO WHISTLEBLOWERS: Whistleblower who reported government waste, fraud, and abuse gets none of the protections the anti-Trump whistleblower received (RealClearPolitics)

Government & Politics

BLAINE AMENDMENT IN TROUBLE: A promising day for religious liberty at the High Court (National Review)

VIOLATES FEDERAL LAW: Trump administration plans action against California over abortion-coverage requirement (The Wall Street Journal)


Culture & Heartland

VILLAGE ACADEMICS: Democrat professors outnumber Republicans 9:1 at top colleges (Washington Examiner)

VILLAGE ACADEMIC CURRICULUM: LGBTQ education is now mandatory in New Jersey schools (The Philadelphia Inquirer)

THE UGLINESS OF IDENTITY POLITICS: Miami PD suspends white officer who begins identifying as “black” (The American Mirror)

RIGHT TO LIFE: Tennessee governor announces fetal heartbeat bill, other abortion restrictions (National Review)

FOR THE RECORD: Toxic “forever chemicals” found in drinking water throughout the U.S. (USA Today)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: State Department is right to tackle “birth tourism” (The Heritage Foundation)

POLICY: Google is posing a serious threat to innovation (Issues & Insights)

HUMOR: Democrats warn that American people may tamper with next election (The Babylon Bee)

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