The Patriot Post® · Monday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

“IT WAS ONLY TO SELL A BOOK”: John Bolton’s manuscript leaks as memoir preorders begin on Amazon; Trump fires back (Fox News)

MIDEAST TURBULENCE: Three rockets hit U.S. embassy in protest-hit Iraqi capital (AFP)

Government & Politics

OBAMA RULE GETS THE HEAVE-HO: Trump administration repeals onerous federal protections on puddles, dry stream beds, and some ditches (Reason)

TOPSY-TURVY: Trump soars to highest job-approval rating of presidency despite impeachment trial (The Daily Wire)

MEANWHILE… For all the gravity of a presidential impeachment trial, Americans don’t seem to be giving it much weight (AP)

TARGETING ORIGINALISTS: The ethical advisory arm of the federal judiciary is circulating a draft rule that would ban judges and their clerks from belonging to the Federalist Society (RealClearPolitics)

WHAT’S NEXT — THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE? Michelle Obama wins Grammy award — for reading her own book (PJ Media)


AND NOT A MOMENT TOO SOON: Little Sisters of the Poor get a shot at the Supreme Court (Washington Examiner)

TWO CAN PLAY THIS GAME: Oklahoma bans state travel to California in tit for tat over LGBT laws (National Review)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Waters of the United States (WOTUS) replacement will help end excessive overreach (The Heritage Foundation)

POLICY: March for Life was also a model of intersectionality (Washington Examiner)

HUMOR: Pentagon replaces go-to torture waterboarding with endless video of Adam Schiff speeches (Genesius Times)

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