The Patriot Post® · Monday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

MIDWEEK VOTE: Senators will vote Wednesday to acquit Trump (USA Today)

KEEP AMERICA GREAT: Trump’s great Alice Johnson Super Bowl ad reminds us he deserves major credit for criminal-justice reform (Washington Examiner)

A BLIND SQUIRREL FINDS A NUT: NFL airs patriotic tribute to the American flag during Super Bowl (The Daily Wire)

Government & Politics

LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND STATISTICS: Michael Bloomberg’s claim about “children” killed by “gun violence” is off by 73% (Reason)

INDIVIDUAL-MANDATE UPDATE: Fifth Circuit declines to rehear ObamaCare severability case en banc (Reason)

CORRUPTION: Ilhan Omar paid additional $215,000 from campaign coffers to alleged boyfriend’s firm (The Washington Free Beacon)

INTRAPARTY SQUABBLE, PART I: 2020 Democrats slam party rule change that could let Bloomberg debate (Washington Examiner)

INTRAPARTY SQUABBLE, PART II: Hillary Clinton blames Bernie Sanders for disunity in Democrat Party (Washington Examiner)

Other Notables

“FOREIGN NATION[S] … MUST SATISFY BASIC SECURITY CONDITIONS”: Trump expands travel ban to six new countries (The Washington Times)

DESPITE THE BAN ON “POINTY KNIVES”: Just-freed terrorist killed by cops after London stabbing spree (The Daily Beast)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The coronavirus is a big economic deal (American Enterprise Institute)

POLICY: Why American scientists take Chinese money (National Review)

HUMOR: Time to panic? More Chinese restaurants handing out fortune cookies that just say “Death by coronavirus” (The Babylon Bee)

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