The Patriot Post® · Tuesday News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

OFF TO A SUPURB START: “It’s a total meltdown”: Confusion seizes Iowa as officials struggle to report Democrat caucus results (Politico)

SOTU AT 9 p.m.: President Donald Trump will use Tuesday’s State of the Union address to tout his record on the economy and — perhaps — take an early victory lap with the Senate impeachment trial expected to wrap up this week. (USA Today)

Government & Politics

FOR THE RECORD: Race relations have improved dramatically since Trump took office (PJ Media)

IMPEACHMENT CLOSING ARGUMENTS: Democrats claim “duty demands” a conviction, as Trump team decries “rush to judgment” (Fox News)

TIME FOR ANSWERS: Senate Intelligence Committee will call Ukraine whistleblower to testify, Lindsey Graham reveals (The Daily Wire)

IF IT HELPS THE NARRATIVE… Michael Bloomberg ad uses Obama-era footage of caged migrants to criticize Trump (The Daily Caller)

GET WELL SOON: Rush Limbaugh announces he has “advanced lung cancer” (Fox News)

Culture & Heartland

EXPLOITING A VICTIM: Climate alarmists’ teenage puppet Greta Thunberg nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (The Daily Signal)

NOT JUST VIRGINIA: Hawaii gun owners face tidal wave of anti-Second Amendment bills (Bearing Arms)

THANKFULLY, MOST OF THE COUNTRY ISN’T LISTENING: Democrats who use Twitter are more ideological and less willing to compromise (National Review)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Hopefully, Iowa has failed the nation for the last time (Washington Examiner)

POLICY: How Keynesian ideas weaken economic fundamentals (Mises Institute)

HUMOR: Trump to deliver State of the Union in scuba gear to avoid drowning in liberal tears (The Babylon Bee)

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