The Patriot Post® · Thursday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·


NOT GUILTY: Trump acquitted of both charges in sham impeachment trial (CNBC)

GRANDSTANDING WAS REHEARSED: Pelosi pre-ripped SOTU speech during Trump address (Fox News)

“HE SHREDDED THE TRUTH”: Pelosi unloaded on Trump in private meeting after SOTU standoff (Politico)

REMINDER: Top Romney adviser worked with Hunter Biden on board of Ukrainian energy company (The Federalist)

AWESOME: McConnell, immediately after impeachment acquittal, files cloture on more judges to remake judiciary (The Daily Wire)

Government & Politics

CLEARER PICTURE: Buttigieg, Sanders nearly tied as Iowa caucus results narrow (AP)

TRADE TRUCE: China cuts tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. imports (AP)

FOR THE RECORD: ObamaCare made things worse for patients with preexisting conditions (The Daily Signal)

Culture & Heartland

RAINBOW MAFIA: “Sesame Street” to feature cross-dressing gay entertainer for impressionable preschoolers (The Federalist)

WHEN RITUAL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN REUSE: Baltimore County admits it hasn’t been recycling glass for seven years; it still encourages residents to recycle glass (Reason)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The deregulatory achievements of the Trump Labor Department (National Review)

POLICY: As Trump said in State of the Union, demand for school choice is huge (Washington Examiner)

SATIRE: Democrats leave chair empty at State of the Union to honor fallen hero Qasem Soleimani (The Babylon Bee)

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