The Patriot Post® · Friday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Above the Fold

TRUMP’S GREAT WEEK, CONTINUED: January adds a much stronger-than-expected 225,000 jobs; labor force participation rate increases 0.2% (CNBC)

DEMS’ AWFUL WEEK, CONTINUED: Iowa Dems release “100 percent” of caucus vote totals showing Buttigieg ahead, amid calls for recanvass (Fox News)

AL-QAIDA IN THE CROSSHAIRS: U.S. kills another top terrorist, days after his group claimed responsibility for Pensacola attack (CNSNews)

Government & Politics

“IT WAS A DISGRACE”: Trump condemns “evil” impeachment after Senate acquittal (Fox News)

DECORUM FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME: Democrat House minions rejects GOP resolution condemning Pelosi for ripping up Trump’s speech (The Hill)

INTOLERANCE: Pelosi omits Christians as she lists religious persecutions around the world (The Daily Signal)

WELL … BYE: Joe Walsh ends race to unseat “dictator” Trump: “He can’t be stopped” (National Review)

BURISMA UPDATE: Senate gets “highly sensitive” Hunter Biden records after letter to money-laundering unit in Treasury Department (The Daily Wire)

Other Notables

ON THE NSC CHOPPING BLOCK? Trump administration looking to take action against Alexander Vindman (The Daily Wire)

AMAZING THE DIFFERENCE A HANDS-OFF REGIME MAKES: New high of 90% of Americans satisfied with personal life; Republicans, married adults are among the most satisfied (Gallup)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: What year did healthcare become a “right”? (Hint: never) (Mises Institute)

POLICY: The IRS should go ahead with privacy reform (National Review)

HUMOR: DNC offers startup $500 million to develop pencil that can accurately record election results (The Onion)

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