The Patriot Post® · Wednesday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

New Hampshire Primary

AND THE WINNER IS… Bernie Sanders edges Pete Buttigieg, giving Democrats two front-runners; Michael Bennet, Andrew Yang, and Deval Patrick drop out (AP)

MEANWHILE: Tuesday’s primary gives Amy Klobuchar major boost, puts Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren on 2020 life support (Fox News)

NOT TO BE OVERLOOKED: Donald Trump’s New Hampshire vote total more than doubles Barack Obama’s in the 2012 primary (Washington Examiner)

Government & Politics

HISSY FIT: Trial team quits Roger Stone case in dispute over DOJ’s step to reduce sentence recommendation (AP)

DRILL, BABY, DRILL: Oil from federal lands tops one billion barrels as Trump eases rules (AP)

LOADED SWAMP: $100,001-plus salaries the norm in Washington, DC, for first time (Washington Examiner)

GOOD TREND CONTINUES: Illegal border crossings plummet for the eighth month in a row (Townhall)


LESSONS NOT LEARNED: House of Delegates passes sweeping gun-control bill (National Review)

SHENANIGANS GO BEYOND GUNS: House passes bill that would award electoral votes to popular vote winner (WHSV)

Other Notables

JUSTICE AFTER ALL? Jussie Smollett indicted by special prosecutor in Chicago (The Daily Wire)

AND NOT A MOMENT TOO SOON: Sudan to hand over Omar al-Bashir for genocide trial (AP)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: How to take on the deadly drug cartels that run the U.S.-Mexico border (The Federalist)

POLICY: Yes, David Brooks, the nuclear family is the worst family form — except for all others (Institute for Family Studies)

HUMOR: Biden gets huge turnout in New Hampshire by showing Trump rally on big screen (Genesius Times)

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