The Patriot Post® · Thursday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Science & Technology

WHO NEEDS PARIS WHEN WE HAVE CAPITALISM? U.S. had largest CO2 decline on a country basis in 2019 (Washington Examiner)

ATTACKING ONE OF THE REASONS FOR REDUCED EMISSIONS: AOC introduces bill to ban fracking nationwide (National Review)

FOR THE RECORD: No clear path to wide adoption of electric vehicles, researchers warn (Washington Examiner)

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: China confirms 15,152 new cases, 254 additional deaths; consequently, Communist Party chiefs have been sacked (CNBC) (See Mark Alexander’s analysis COVID-19 Perspective and Preparedness.)

Government & Politics

TROY PRICE OUT: Iowa Democrat Party chair resigns after caucus fiasco (NBC News)

“NUMEROUS CRITICAL ISSUES … WERE IGNORED”: House Republicans boycott intel hearing, accuse Adam Schiff of ignoring FISA abuse (Fox News)

IVY LEAGUE CORRUPTION: Department of Education launches investigation into foreign-gifts reporting at Harvard and Yale Universities (

CRACKING DOWN: Pentagon set to back Huawei restrictions (Politico)

Culture & Heartland

“HORRIFYING TO ANYONE WITH NORMAL SENSIBILITIES”: Thousands of fetal remains found in Illinois are buried in Indiana (Fox News)

ABOUT TIME: High-school students file lawsuit to block transgender athletes in Connecticut (National Review)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Don’t get caught up in reports of divisions within the Democratic Party over “Medicare for All” vs. “public option” legislation (The Heritage Foundation)

POLICY: What a Republican climate-change agenda might look like (National Review)

HUMOR: In appreciation for primary win, Bernie Sanders promises to make New Hampshire the site of his very first reeducation camp (The Babylon Bee)

IN RELATED HUMOR… Bernie assures public that his reeducation camps will be tuition-free (Genesius Times)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit In Our Sights.

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