The Patriot Post® · Tuesday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Above the Fold

THE CONSEQUENCES OF CULTURAL DECAY: The Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy, a sign of the century-old organization’s financial instability as it faces some 300 lawsuits from men who say they were sexually abused as scouts. (NPR)

“A DECADE OF ECONOMIC GROWTH”: Barack Obama tries to take credit for Donald Trump’s economy (The Daily Wire)

FOR THE RECORD: Did Obama’s stimulus work? (

Government & Politics

GRAB THE POPCORN: Racially insensitive elitist Michael Bloomberg makes debate stage, facing bellicose Democrat rivals for first time (AP)

SHADY: Bloomberg funding network of climate lawyers inside state AG offices (Fox News)

MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE: Reporter who caught Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in their tarmac meeting says, “There’s so much that doesn’t add up” (RedState)

FOREIGN COLLUSION: Democrat senators reportedly held secret meeting in Munich with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (The Federalist)

Environment & Economy

VIRTUE SIGNALING: Jeff Bezos commits $10 billion to fight climate change climate alarmists (The Washington Post)

SHRINKING DEMAND: Apple says coronavirus will stunt its quarterly earnings (National Review)

UAE GOES NUCLEAR: First nuclear reactor in Arab nation cleared to begin operation (Washington Examiner)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Social Security is a terrible “investment” (Mises Institute)

POLICY: How to rein in China? The Middle East offers clues (American Enterprise Institute)

HUMOR: Bloomberg stops by Daytona 500 to hand out speeding tickets (The Babylon Bee)

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