The Patriot Post® · Friday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Above the Fold

RUSSIA 3.0 WHO KNOWS: Intel officials say Russia boosting Trump candidacy — which doesn’t add up (AP)

CORROBORATION: Pal of Rep. Ilhan Omar says congresswoman married her own brother (The Washington Free Beacon)

Government & Politics

SENTENCE IS PENDING RULING ON NEW TRIAL: Roger Stone sentenced to over three years in prison — nowhere near the minimum-term suggestions or what prosecutors sought (CNBC)

LOOKING GOOD: GOP fundraising record: $60.5 million in January; RNC nearly doubles DNC (Washington Examiner)

KEEP AMERICA GREAT: “National satisfaction” reaches 15-year high, “greatly increases” Trump reelection chances (Washington Examiner)

BELIEVE IT WHEN YOU SEE IT: U.S., Taliban agree to landmark ceasefire en route to aspirational peace deal (The Washington Free Beacon)

Other Notables

RAINBOW MAFIA: Use trans pronouns or get fired, Ohio court tells Christian professor (The Daily Wire)

COMMUTATION DENIED: Tennessee executes Nicholas Sutton, killer of fellow inmate in 1985 after slaying 3 in 1979 (Fox News)

ADMISSIONS-SCANDAL DISTRACTION: University of Southern California to make tuition free for “low income” students (National Review)

DESPITE MARQUEE GUN LAWS: Nine killed by “deeply racist” shooter in Germany (BBC)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: How to think about the coronavirus and how to respond (The Heritage Foundation)

POLICY: Social Security cannot survive in its present form (Mises Institute)

HUMOR: Michael Bloomberg’s housekeepers brace for another day of dressing up like DNC candidates and letting boss beat them in debate (The Onion)

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