The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Insight: “I urge you to beware the temptation … to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of any evil empire.” —Ronald Reagan

Upright: “Americans are in a sour mood about foreign interventions, and after 18 years in Afghanistan the desire to come home is understandable. But public frustration shouldn’t ignore the major U.S. accomplishments. Our forces have denied terrorists a safe haven and protected the homeland from another large-scale attack. We have killed the al Qaeda leadership, including Osama bin Laden. We have assisted a Kabul government that, while far from perfect, is free and democratic. We have brought basic education to millions of young Afghans who never had it. And we have trained and equipped Afghan security forces to defend themselves. No one should diminish the sacrifices that Americans have made with their lives and long deployments by dismissing these achievements.” —The Wall Street Journal

Political futures: “The Democrats and the United States need a Sanders candidacy, so the existing Democratic Party can be completely defeated and humiliated and most of its most obnoxious officeholders can be flung out of public life head-first; and so the country can administer to itself the emetic necessary to disgorge this socialist idiocy.” —Conrad Black

Friendly fire: “People want results. They’re not looking for revolution; they want results. They want a return to decency. They want to be able to get things done. And I have a record that is far superior on those two issues than Bernie’s.” —Joe Biden

For the record: “73-year-old Donald Trump, the oldest man ever elected president for the first time, is now the youngest man left in the presidential race. (Even his primary challenger Bill Weld is 74.)” —The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles

Belly laugh: “Future CNN headline: ‘As The Youngest Male Candidate In The Field, Does Donald Trump Have The Experience To Be President?’” —Matt Walsh

And last… “With Pete Buttigieg dropping out of the race, Donald Trump is now the youngest man running for president in 2020. I thought Democrats were supposed to be the party of the youth and the future? Yet a 73-year-old man is still running circles around all of them.” —TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk