The Patriot Post® · Friday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Above the Fold

RELENTLESS: Economy defied early coronavirus fears in February with 273,000 new jobs, unemployment at 3.5% (Washington Examiner)

“IT’S AN UNFORESEEN PROBLEM”: Trump signs $8.3 billion coronavirus spending bill (Fox News)

Government & Politics

“THE APPEARANCE IS NOT GOOD”: Romney could block Republican subpoena attempt aimed at the Bidens (Fox News)

POLICY VIOLATION: Facebook removes Trump campaign ads over census confusion (Politico)

National Security

“DO NOT PROTECT CRIMINALS! Trump moves forward with cutting off funds to sanctuary cities (Fox News)

FOR THE RECORD: More than 300 illegal aliens from China have been caught at the U.S. border since coronavirus outbreak (MRCTV)

LIKELY ISLAMIST TERRORISM: Explosion near U.S. embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, prompts emergency response (Fox News)


EMBEZZLING AND RACKETEERING: Ex-UAW president Gary Jones charged in corruption probe (Detroit Free Press)

IDIOCRACY: Police arrest and charge two 10-year-old Colorado boys for playing with toy guns (MRCTV)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Coronavirus "price gouging” is good, actually (Washington Examiner)

POLICY: Let’s not emulate the British with limits on Internet free speech (Hudson Institute)

HUMOR: Miracle: Coronavirus passes over houses with Chick-fil-A sauce smeared on door posts (The Babylon Bee)

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