The Patriot Post® · Monday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Above the Fold

FEAR PANDEMIC: Dow plummets more than 1,600 points, S&P 500 sinks 6% amid oil price war (CNBC)

VIGILANCE: Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Paul Gosar self-quarantine after exposure to coronavirus patient at CPAC (National Review)

Make sure to check out “COVID-19 Coronavirus Perspective and Preparedness.”

Government & Politics

THE TOP PRIZE: Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders prepare for do-or-die fight tomorrow in Michigan (New York Post)

DEPOSE NO MORE: Kamala Harris’s ironic endorsement of Joe Biden (Washington Examiner)

“THE RELATIONSHIP IS A VERY GOOD ONE”: Trump announces Mark Meadows to replace Mick Mulvaney as White House chief of staff (Fox News)

2020 VISION: Record GOP voting enthusiasm breaks pattern, topping Democrats (Washington Examiner)

“DONE OUR DUTY”? Christopher Steele refuses to cooperate with John Durham review (Washington Examiner)

Other Notables

NINTH CIRCUS: “Remain in Mexico” program blocked by Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California and Arizona (The Daily Caller)

WHO’D A THUNK IT? Major crimes in New York City unexpectedly surge after bail-reform law (Hot Air)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Repealing vital national-security powers is not the right way to hold government officials responsible for abuse of power (National Review)

POLICY: Why the U.S. economy is now near-impossible to stimulate (New York Post)

HUMOR: Hillary Clinton says Jeffrey Epstein assassination was to “manage anxiety” (The Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit In Our Sights.

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