The Patriot Post® · Monday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·


  • THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL: Coronavirus brings life in the U.S. to a grinding halt as federal and local governments work to stop spread (Fox News)

  • SOCIAL DISTANCING: CDC urges halting gatherings of 50 people or more (The Washington Post)

  • “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BUY SO MUCH”: Trump calls on Americans to cease hoarding food and supplies (AP)

  • NEAR-ZERO BENCHMARK RATE: Fed takes emergency steps to slash rates and ease bank rules (AP)

  • “I FULLY SUPPORT H.R. 6201:” House approves coronavirus relief bill, after urging from Trump, in 363-40 vote (Fox News)

  • ELECTION FALLOUT: Georgia joins Louisiana in delaying presidential primaries over coronavirus fears (The Guardian)

  • FOR THE RECORD: Media downplayed swine-flu outbreak under Obama (Issues & Insights)

Other Notables

  • UNDERSTANDABLE: Trump considering full pardon of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn (CNBC)

  • PANDERING: Joe Biden pledges to pick a woman to be his running mate (CNBC)

  • END OF AN ERA: Bill Gates leaves Microsoft board (CNBC)

Closing Arguments

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