The Patriot Post® · Tuesday News Executive Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

The Latest on Coronavirus

  • AT LAST, THE $2 TRILLION DEAL: Expect a coronavirus stimulus agreement in Senate, Chuck Schumer says, after Democrats obstructed the legislation multiple times (Fox News)

  • NOT LETTING A CRISIS GO TO WASTE: The real reasons Democrats stopped the stimulus bill (PJ Media)

  • DPA OFFICIALLY INVOKED: FEMA head says administration will use Defense Production Act to obtain 60,000 coronavirus tests (National Review)

  • CRACKING DOWN: Trump signs executive order to prevent price gouging, hoarding of medical supplies (The Hill)

  • “AMERICA WILL AGAIN AND SOON BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS”: President Trump turns to reopening economy (Washington Examiner)

  • PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: How the VA is prepared to handle rising rates of veterans with coronavirus (The Daily Signal)

  • ENFORCEABLE WITH FINES: The UK goes into full lockdown with the public barred from leaving home for nonessential reasons (Business Insider)


  • SECOND AMENDMENT SUBTERFUGE: Pennsylvania Supreme Court greenlights mandatory gun store closures (The Washington Free Beacon)

  • MEANWHILE IN NEW JERSEY… Gun-rights coalition sues Gov. Phil Murphy for closing gun dealers during coronavirus pandemic (The Washington Times)

  • 22ND STATE TO BAN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: Colorado abolishes death penalty (National Review)

Other Notables

  • “THE GAMES ARE NOT GOING TO START ON JULY 24”: Tokyo Olympics inevitably postponed (National Review)

  • COMMUNIST SYMPATHIZERS: Twitter says Beijing’s coronavirus lies are just fine (The Daily Beast)

  • BEGINNING OF A NEW COMMERCE ERA: When coronavirus is through, our economy will look a lot different (Washington Examiner)

Closing Arguments

  • POLICY: Time for a national telework policy (Issues & Insights)

  • POLICY: Even in a crisis, canceling student loans is a bad idea (E21)

  • SATIRE: Democrats worried stimulus bill would stimulate economy (The Babylon Bee)

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