The Patriot Post® · Filtered by Faith — Today's Troubles, Tomorrow's Triumph?

By Patrick Hampton ·

When my grandchildren open up their history books (or tablets, as far as I know), will they turn to our chapter and read of brave Patriots or a nation in panic? Right now, we have a choice to be remembered as a society that practiced the free will granted to us by God, or as a herd that aimlessly followed the news.

Recently, epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, author of the Imperial College London coronavirus model, walked back what some have called a “doomsday prediction” that projected more than two million Americans would die should no action be taken to “flatten the curve.” Downgrading the projection, Ferguson addressed this confusion in understanding the mortality impact in his March 26 tweet.

This is major and it matters, but why?

Because lately the trust of the people (including some people in my life who say they are believers of Christ) is in possession of man — be it acclaimed medical professionals, governors, lawmakers, or the media. We’ve surrendered our hope to these people with ease, letting them decide how we’ll live our lives — with “downgraded projections” and all, regretfully.

Because there are limitations to human knowledge and wisdom. There are barriers to intuition that even the most brilliant physician cannot penetrate. No amount of data curated by man should take away joy of knowing God is supreme.

Because the truth is that more “projections” are soon to be revealed. So after how many statistical “adjustments” do we decide for ourselves the course best taken to address the scenario playing out today? How many corrections and clarifications are needed to realize who truly has the answers to our joy (God) and who doesn’t?

The eyes of Americans are glued to television and computer screens, waiting for more news about their fate. Like horoscopes, people are looking to order their steps by the “readings” for each day. If only so many knew that this insight has been rendered impossible since the dawn of man, no matter how many statistics are shared. My hope is that we haven’t forgotten that there is good news in the Gospel.

Since the “quarantine” mandates were unrolled on our community, I’ve spent this time homeschooling my sons, which isn’t all that unusual as a person who has worked in education. As part of our “lesson plans,” I train them to take in information — watch the news, read books, and so on — but that it should always come through a filter to help them discern what is true and what is false, what is within man’s control and what isn’t.

That filter is none other than faith itself. God commands us to place our faith in Him as an order of divine protection and that only this can give us the peace we seek. With a track record for zero errors since the beginning of time, I’d take my chances on His grace and mercy over the panic du jour. Wouldn’t you?

If we as a society are writing tomorrow’s history books today, I would want our grandchildren to read about how faith in God lifted us out of plague and pestilence and toward a brighter, more prosperous future. So why not start writing this chapter of history today?