The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Insight: “Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.” —Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Upright: “The beauty of doing nothing is that you can do it perfectly. Only when you do something is it almost impossible to do it without mistakes. Therefore people who are contributing nothing to society, except their constant criticisms, can feel both intellectually and morally superior.” —Thomas Sowell

For the record: “More people will die, even in the worst projections, from cigarette smoking in this country than are going to die from coronavirus this year.” —U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams

Food for thought: “Our national media is ROOTING for hydroxycloroquine to not work as a treatment for #Covid_19. Think about that.” —Matt Mackowiak

Nailed it: “It were up to me, the whole world should send China a bill for the pandemic.” —Sen. Lindsey Graham

The BIG Lie: “You know, 45 nations had already moved to … block China’s personnel from being able to come to the United States before the president moved.” —Joe Biden

Non compos mentis: “These viruses … have no borders. You can’t build a wall. You can’t … have, you know, people at the border trying to stop it. It’s beyond that capacity.” —Joe Biden

Village idiot: “For so long, the go-to has been not to believe [women]. So really, we have to sort of societally change that mindset to believing women, but that does not mean at the expense of not giving men their due process. I don’t feel comfortable throwing away a decent man that I’ve known for 15 years.” —Brett Kavanaugh inquisitor Alyssa Milano exonerating Joe Biden

Alpha jackass: “Okay, people, just because Jesus is on your side doesn’t mean you can’t get sick. Don’t forget, Jesus was on Jesus’s side and he died, okay? Yeah, He came back, but that was like a one-time thing. … And you know it’s funny how a lot of these same people who say Jesus will protect them from coronavirus are the same people stocking up on guns. I don’t get it. Won’t the blood of Jesus protect you from an intruder?” —Trevor Noah

Dezinformatsiya: “For the last couple of weeks when I walk into this building and I get in front of this camera, I swear I feel like I’m in the movie ‘Network.’ I feel like Howard Beale. Americans are mad as hell. What are you going to — how much more can Americans take? Every single day berating people, lying. First it’s a hoax. And then ‘All along I knew it was serious and I knew it was a pandemic.’ How much more — how many people have to die?” —CNN’s Don Lemon

And last… “TV news … sounds like this: NEWSPERSON: Coronavirus! Coronavirus! Coronavirus! For more on this, here is a different newsperson located somewhere else for safety reasons. DIFFERENT NEWSPERSON: Coronavirus! Coronavirus! Coronavirus! Now back to you. NEWSPERSON: Thank you. Coronavirus! Coronavirus! Corona … And so on, 24 hours a day. Sometimes 30 hours a day. That’s how much coronavirus (Coronavirus!) news there is.” —Dave Barry