The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Insight: “Reaching consensus in a group is often confused with finding the right answer.” —Norman Mailer (1923-2007)

Upright: “I am delighted to hear [about] President Obama’s newfound interest and respect for the rule of law. I just wish he would apply it equally to Republicans and Democrats.” —Trey Gowdy

For the record: “It’s time we asked: What did Obama and Biden know, and when did they know it?” —Sen. Chuck Grassley

Demo-gogues: “I see everything as an opportunity. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity.” —House Speaker Nancy “Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” Pelosi

Non compos mentis: “President Trump today came out to talk about how the United States is ready to reopen, and he — I mean, they can’t even keep the pandemic out of the White House. Literally. … It’s almost as if sometimes the president doesn’t understand that we can see and hear what’s going on.” —CNN’s Jake Tapper

The BIG Lie, Part I: “Anywhere between 1 and 2,000 Americans are dying every day from the coronavirus and yet, rather than confront that reality, Trump is doing the only thing he knows, and that’s lying his way through it. He’s trying to Jedi mind trick Americans into thinking coronavirus will simply go away.” —Seth Meyers

The BIG Lie, Part II: “The Department of Justice is basically just an arm of the Trump campaign now.” —Seth Meyers

Non sequitur: “What a twist. This [Texas] salon owner broke the law by keeping her business open. And because of public outcry, she’s now a hero being celebrated by Sen. Ted Cruz. Hey, you know it’s funny how in America, if you break the law and you look a certain way, well then, you’re a criminal. But if you break the law and you look a different way, well then, the law needs to be changed because you’re just a freedom-loving American exercising your right.” —Trevor Noah

And last… “The Democrats seem to have forgotten FDR’s admonition, ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’ Their new motto appears to be, ‘The only thing we have to fear is an economic rebound that would assure Trump’s reelection.’” —Dinesh D'Souza