The Patriot Post® · The Uncertain Prognosis for the Country

By Harold Hutchison ·

While the prognosis for the conservative movement is guardedly optimistic, when it comes to the country as a whole, things are not as clear-cut. In fact, there are a whole host of things that can go wrong.

To be very blunt, what has been learned about Obamagate/Spygate has really placed the Swamp in a bind. Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee, is slated to face President Donald Trump — and Biden has a lot to lose if Trump is reelected.

There is little reason to doubt more and more evidence of the abuses of the Obama administration will emerge. Especially due to the declassification authority — once stuff is declassified, it’s out there. The irony is that Barack Obama did the same sort of thing early on with the memos on enhanced interrogation. In essence, the legacy of Obama, and by extension Biden, is going to be tainted with the specters of scandal and abuse of power.

There is only one way for Biden to salvage anything, and that is to get Trump tarred as thoroughly as possible. Multiple investigations have failed though, and even if he does win election and “gets” Trump with criminal charges, huge numbers of Americans would see it as a vindictive abuse of power. With the empowerment that has come from Trump’s example of fighting back, they will speak out.

It wouldn’t just be Trump. Other rising conservative stars will have bullseyes on their backs. Just ask Eric Greitens. The result, of course, would be a messy fight — something that would consume a lot of time and energy.

Because a Biden administration would not be able to just go after Trump. Team Biden would have to rig the system — or, more accurately, re-rig it — to ensure that they keep power. You will see attacks like the “For The People Act” being launched on the First Amendment rights of free speech and petitioning the government for redress of grievances. And you can bet that the IRS will be turned loose — not just on the NRA (as Elizabeth Warren vowed) but also on other groups, like the Alliance Defending Freedom, FreedomWorks, and True the Vote. Conservative media will also be targets.

As such, the country’s future faces an uncertain prognosis. Trump’s reelection would make things much better over the long term, but there may be things that will still be threats years from now, should he leave office. But Biden winning would plunge the country back into an era where those in power thought nothing of using the IRS to target political opponents, among other misconduct.

That would be a disaster.