The Patriot Post® · Biden Lurches Left

By Douglas Andrews ·

Remember back in 2008, when we warned that our nation was about to elect the most radical of the Senate’s 100 members to the highest office in the land?

Well, his former vice president is fixing to one-up him.

Joe Biden might not even make it through a full term, but a committed leftist in the Oval Office can do plenty of damage in his first 100 days. As Steven Hayward writes1 in Power Line, Biden is now known to be both feeble-minded and semi-senile, and he has “already sold out to the far left of the Democratic Party, and has signaled his intent to implement a far-left agenda if he wins.”

But this isn’t just Hayward talking. It’s lefty Michael Tomasky in the New York Review of Books. “Tomasky is one of the smarter lefty writers who I make a point of following,” says Hayward. “And his article makes clear that a Biden administration would be the most left-wing administration in history — far to the left of Obama.”

“After Sanders withdrew,” Tomasky writes in Biden’s Journey Left, “the discussions between the two turned more toward substance — and the extent to which Biden would be willing to adopt pieces of the Sanders agenda. Thus were formed the six task forces that the Biden campaign unveiled on May 13. These eight-member groups cover the economy, health care, immigration, criminal justice, climate, and education, and each is co-chaired by one Biden supporter and one Sanders supporter.”

Suffice it to say that a man who gives an avowed socialist equal representation on each of his key task forces is a man committed to a serious leftward lurch. The question, then, is how to ensure that Biden never gets the chance to do so.

President Donald Trump’s strategy, at least at this point, seems to be to tie Biden to the lawlessness, the civil unrest, and the anti-Americanism we’re seeing in the streets today. I say “at this point” because the Trump campaign seems a little unsteady of late, a little short on swagger. So whether this strategy sticks is yet to be seen. As Joseph Simonson writes2 in the Washington Examiner, “It’s the latest messaging pivot after months of plummeting poll numbers and internal feuding over strategy. Attempts to question Biden’s mental state have largely fallen flat with most voters and possibly offended those over the age of 65, who now are less likely to support a Republican for president this November than at any time in decades.”

Simonson continues, “[Trump] is committed to framing the election around debates over monuments, urban crime, and the legacy of the nation’s founding. Whether voters see Biden as synonymous with radical members of the Democratic [sic] Party remains to be seen. … But Republican strategists say that Biden’s relative silence on rising crime or ‘cancel culture’ will assist in bringing voters who supported Trump in 2016 back to their home with the GOP.”

Team Trump had better hope so. And it had better be resolute in its communications approach from here on out. Nothing says “chaos” to the American voter more than a campaign caught up in the storms of the day and unable to determine what its message is.
