The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Insight: “He could have added fortune to fame, but caring for neither, he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world.” —Epitaph, George Washington Carver

Observations: “I suspect that the very journalists who scoff at Trump’s description of the culture war all know that if they or their colleagues say something disparaging or even skeptical about Black Lives Matter, their jobs would instantly be at risk." —Rich Lowry

Friendly fire, Part I: "It’s factually impossible that somebody committed a crime so they could pay their rent.” —Gov. Andrew Cuomo memo to AOC

Friendly fire, Part II: “NY state has lost more than 32,000 lives to COVID-19. So while it’s great that the numbers have gone down, it’s perplexing to see crowing, Cuomo going on Fallon, etc. No other state has lost as many lives, not even close. … Yes, this has been a major challenge for every leader, but New York’s leaders do not have a success story to tell. It’s been about missteps and late actions.” —CNN’s Jake Tapper

Alpha jackass: “You are inbred racist trash. Please f—k off.” —Democrat strategist Adam Parkhomenko to GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn

Grand delusions: “I’m not a fan of the terminology ‘defunding the police’ because it’s been manipulated and misunderstood by many. I think that there is a place for, in certain local circumstances depending on what is going on in the particular area, to reimagine, re-envision the role that police play, to get them out of some of the work that they customarily do that is more akin to social work than traditional policing.” —Susan Rice

The BIG Lie: “Science tells us we have nine years before the [climate change] damage is irreversible.” —Joe Biden

And last… “The ‘experts’ and media continue to tell us #BlackLivesMatter protests are safe, but allowing businesses to open safely and kids go back to school are not. And they wonder why Americans have lost faith in them.” —Dinesh D'Souza