The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Re: The Left: “The left sees these people, a Biden-Harris ticket, as a Trojan horse. … Hiding inside is an army of socialists led by Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and the rest and they’re going to come pouring out as soon as he’s through the White House gates and impose a left-wing agenda on the United States.” —Marc Thiessen

Never let a crisis go to waste: “I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times. What is inconceivable in normal times becomes not only possible but actually happens. People are disoriented and scared.” —George Soros on using the COVID crisis “revolutionary moment” to move the U.S. toward socialism

The BIG Lie: “Three years ago today, white supremacists descended on Charlottesville with torches in hand and hate in their hearts. Our president said they were ‘very fine people.’” —Joe Biden

Belly laugh of the week, Part I: “Harris is a small-c conservative, party-friendly pick — which makes her just right for Biden.” —Washington Post columnist David Byler

Belly laugh of the week, Part II: “Kamala Harris comes from the middle of the road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.” —ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos

Belly laugh of the week, Part III: “You know, she is not far to the left despite what Republicans are going to try to say.” —Fox News’s Chris Wallace

For the record: “Kamala Harris is one of the most progressive Senators in the US Senate and will be the most progressive Vice President in the history of the United States. … She checks nearly every box on Bernie’s platform: Living Wage, Choice, LGBTQ+ equality,  peace, child care, etc. … Our movement is on fire now, tens and tens of millions of us in the streets, at the polling sites, at home, organizing online, young people at the forefront, Black America once again saving us and forcing us to be what we say we are but never were. This is our moment.” —Michael Moore

Braying jenny: “The Russians … have stepped up their efforts to interfere in our elections with, it seems, the blessing of Donald Trump, who said he would accept foreign help in the election, and has refused to call out Russia on any number of things, least of all its involvement in the 2020 election.” —Susan Rice

And last… “Kamala Harris’ ancestor Hamilton Brown owned seven plantations in Jamaica in 1817. He employed more than 200 slaves… Kamala Harris is closer to the lineage of slave planters like Jefferson Davis and John C. Calhoun than she is to the lineage of the 4 million slaves in America on the eve of the Civil War.” —Dinesh D'Souza