The Patriot Post® · A Chaotic Election Is Coming
With Labor Day in our rearview mirror, the homestretch of the 2020 presidential campaign is now upon us.
As for the state of the race, The Wall Street Journal reports1, “[Joe] Biden threatens to make [President Donald] Trump the first president to lose re-election in nearly 30 years. A series of polls released since their late August nominating conventions show Mr. Biden maintaining a lead nationally and in key states, though Mr. Trump is within striking distance in some surveys and his campaign insists internal data show a closer race.”
Of course, we already know what to make of those polls2 — especially their sampling bias and their regular failure to poll likely voters as opposed to registered voters. More importantly, “Trump’s greatest advantage lies in the intensity of his support,” as The Dispatch notes3. “While 77 percent of registered voters backing Trump say they are voting for the president rather than against his opponent, only 45 percent of Biden’s supporters say the same about their preferred candidate.”
But as Election Day nears, and with it the rotten fruit of mass mail-in voting schemes, our confidence in a legitimately decided contest grows ever shakier. And, frankly, it should.
Last week, we reported on the Democrats’ master plan4 for a fraudulent electoral victory, noting their confidence that they’ll eventually find the mail-in votes necessary to remove President Trump from the White House.
But it isn’t just us. As Jon Brown reports5, “Former [Bill] Clinton campaign adviser Dick Morris predicted during a Sunday interview that the 2020 presidential election is going to drag out because of mail-in voting and end up being decided by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.”
Morris believes, just like the Democrats do, that Trump will appear to have won in a landslide on Election Night. But then, in the following days, Democrat officials in swing states will discover millions of mail-in ballots in favor of their guy. And the initial electoral result will be overturned like a death by a thousand cuts.
So confident are the Democrats of this electoral outcome — the initial Trump wave followed by the Biden deluge — that they’ve even got a name for it: “The Red Mirage.”
Asked about whether the American people will accept such a result, Morris said, “There certainly will be major conflict. I hope there won’t be civil war, and it’s serious enough that I don’t take your question metaphorically.”
Even the sober-minded scribes on the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board are worried6. “Will Courts Pick the Next President?” their headline asks. If so, they warn, “The fallout could make Bush v. Gore look like an ice-cream social.”
The editors begin by noting an ominous court ruling: “Last Monday a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction that orders Georgia officials to count all ballots postmarked by Election Day, even if they don’t show up until three days later. The suit was filed by the New Georgia Project, a group founded by Democrat Stacey Abrams. The judge expressed a reluctance to ‘interfere with Georgia’s statutory election machinery,’ but she concluded that ‘the risk of disenfranchisement is great.’”
Of course, “the risk of disenfranchisement” works two ways. What about the voters who cast their votes legally as prescribed by state law? Are they not disenfranchised each time a fraudulent or otherwise illegitimate vote is counted? Of course they are. Indeed, it’s not just Pennsylvanians who are robbed by the fraud that occurs in Philadelphia; Ohioans and Arkansans and South Dakotans are also stripped of their voice and their voting power.
The Journal then proceeds to list one example after another of looming litigation and electoral uncertainty, followed by this not-unlikely scenario: “Say it’s mid-November, and absentee ballots are being counted in a key state. Although Mr. Trump retains a modest lead, mail votes are breaking 3 to 1 for Mr. Biden. Perhaps the law in this jurisdiction requires ballots to arrive by Election Day, so there’s a pile to the side of thousands of late deliveries. Some are missing postmarks, and it’s not clear when they were mailed. Thousands more have been discarded for suspect signatures, but the rejection rates are higher in urban areas.”
Normally, this is where we put forth the solution to all this. But there isn’t one. We’re headed for electoral chaos, and the Democrats and their insistence on mass-scale mail-in voting are to blame.