The Patriot Post® · Why Trump Shouldn't Win the Nobel Peace Prize

By Nate Jackson ·

Four American presidents have won the Nobel Peace Prize. Will Donald Trump become the fifth?

Okay, you can stop laughing now. Of course he won’t win, but Trump has been nominated for the 2021 iteration of the prize thanks to his brokering a historic peace deal1 between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) last month. The Abraham Accord was indeed a peace-bringing endeavor worthy of accolades.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, nominated President Trump, praising his efforts to resolve conflicts worldwide. “For his merit,” Tybring-Gjedde said, “I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees.”

Or winners, for that matter.

Anyone remember when Barack Obama won the prize in 2009 simply for gracing the White House with his presence? Even the committee later regretted that one2. Jimmy Carter won the prize in 2002 for (ahem) bringing peace to the Middle East. That worked out well, didn’t it? Woodrow Wilson won the prize in 1920 for working to end World War I and creating the League of Nations. Of course, the way he secured the peace led to World War II, but why quibble?

In 1906, Teddy Roosevelt was the only Republican (and first American) ever to win the prize for his work in ending the Russo-Japanese War, though as one of the earliest progressives he’s hardly what anyone would consider a typical Republican.

After all, Ronald Reagan was famously snubbed in 1990, when the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev won the prize for ending (read: losing) the Cold War.

Oh, and who could forget Al Gore winning the 2007 prize for hollering about climate change while jet-setting around the globe?

After Trump’s first nomination in 2018, Nobel insider Geir Lundestad said, “I would be extremely surprised if Donald Trump ever received the Nobel Peace Prize. He may say he wants to bring peace to the Middle East or the Korean Peninsula, but he has not accomplished anything.” He added, “And his policies do not fall into line with the ideas of liberal internationalism.”

Trump has accomplished plenty, but the folks who control the Nobel infrastructure, like the American media, are globalists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome3. The Nobel Peace Prize has nothing to do with real peace. It’s an award by and for the elitist chardonnay-sipping club of extreme leftists. Trump should consider it an honor not to win.

Update: Trump is now up to four nominations4.
