The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Observations: “In a recent Pew Research survey, only 16% of men and 17% of women said that marriage is ‘essential for a … fulfilling life.’ Only 16% of men and 22% of women said having children is ‘essential for a … fulfilling life.’ This compared with 57% of men and 46% of women who said ‘having a job or career they enjoy’ is essential. As we dismiss our Creator from our public spaces, as we exchange love and meaning for crass materialism, we exchange a culture of life for a culture of death. And by doing so, we put the future of our nation in jeopardy.” —Star Parker

Nailed it: “I love the Obamas, but I’m going to be honest. I hear all of the racial statements they’re making today and I’m like, ‘You were in office for eight years. What did you do to change anything?’ You didn’t do anything to change anything for anybody, so don’t come out now talking about it because you had an opportunity [as] the most powerful man in the world, and you did absolutely nothing.” —Herschel Walker

Upright: “Some of the reactions I’m seeing regarding the decision by the grand jury in the Breonna Taylor situation demonstrate what I’ve often said: many social justicians don’t define ‘justice’ in terms of equality before the law, but in terms of preferred outcomes — despite the law.” —Darrell B. Harrison  

For the record: “[Breonna Taylor’s] death is sad. It’s a tragedy, but it wasn’t an act of racism. There’s no evidence for that, and if there was, we would admit it. But [the media] don’t care. All they care about is getting people to believe that this dystopia they describe is real. Why? It’s an election year. If enough property burns, if enough public streets are impassible, in the end, people may decide, ‘I’ll vote for Joe Biden to make it stop.’” —Tucker Carlson

Alpha jackass, Part I: “I think you have to always look at party. Party is the religion now in America — especially for Republicans. Don’t look at the fact that [Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron] is black. That does not mean anything. He is a Republican through and through. He spoke at the RNC [Republican National Convention]. He told you who he was. Believe him.” —MSNBC’s Joy Reid

Alpha jackass, Part II: “I think what I saw this morning was a Bull Connor speech in 2020. … Unfortunately, it was being given by a black prosecutor.” —Black Lives Matter cofounder Alicia Garza

Non compos mentis: “The white supremacist institution of policing that stole Breonna Taylor’s life from us must be abolished for the safety and well being of our people.” —Colin Kaepernick

Non sequitur: “All the kind words and lamentations about Justice Ginsburg from the Republican majority will be totally empty if those Republicans ignore her dying wish and instead replace her with someone who will tear down everything she built.” —Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (“That, of course, is not the standard. Under the Constitution, members of the judiciary do not appoint their own successors.” —Senator Ted Cruz)

Braying jenny: “What would Christ do? We always say that. Well, there’s a big difference between what Christ would do and what they’re honoring.” —fake Catholic Nancy Pelosi ridiculing the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, where Trump gave the keynote address

Demo-gogue: “I beat the socialist. … That’s how I got the nomination. Do I look like a socialist? Look at my career — my whole career. I am not a socialist.” —Joe Biden

And last… “What should be done to address … gross disparities? … The best thing that we can do is clean up our language. That will have the added benefit of straightening out our thinking so that we do not permit leftists to get away with making us feel guilty and believing in utter nonsense.” —Walter Williams