The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Re: The Left: “Let me get this straight: Hillary Clinton planned, financed, and executed the Russian hoax. The intel agencies knew about & briefed Obama on it…and no one seems to care. Where is Adam Schiff? Where is Rachel Maddow? This is a bombshell and they’re completely ignoring it.” —Charlie Kirk

Demo-gogue: “Today, once again, we are a house divided. But that, my friends, can no longer be. We’re facing too many crises. We have too much work to do. We have too bright a future to have it shipwrecked on the shoals of anger and hate and division.” —Joe Biden at Gettysburg (But remember, he said just last week, “I am the Democratic Party.”)

Now do Black Lives Matter: “We have no need for armed militias roaming American streets, and we should have no tolerance for extremist white supremacy groups menacing our communities.” —Joe Biden

The BIG Lie: “Eighteen thousand people got clemency [under Barack Obama].” —Joe Biden (“Records from the United States Department of Justice demonstrate … that only 1,715 people were granted reduced sentences and only 212 were pardoned by former President Obama and former Vice President Biden over their eight years in office together.” —Jordan Davidson)

Creepy: “I want to see these beautiful young ladies. I want to see them dancing when they’re four years older too.” —Joe Biden to a group of young girls

Non compos mentis, Part I: “Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don’t forget to keep your mask on in between bites.” —Office of the Governor of California

Non compos mentis, Part II: “What aircraft carriers were in World War II, masks are today.” —Governor Jay Inslee

Non sequitur: “Many Christians, especially white Christians, have embraced denial of climate science. … For now, the West is burning while most white Christians turn away from the root causes of the devastation.” —Oregon State University professor Susan M. Shaw

And last… “There are tremendous differences between Trump and Biden on taxes, law and order, the sanctity of life, and America’s role in the world. But perhaps the most important difference of all is that Joe Biden represents fear, paralysis, and weakness. No country can thrive on those traits.” —Gary Bauer