The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Political Editors ·

Insight: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Upright: “All of us can relate to the Blexit movement because we’ve watched Democrats and the left ignore the communities and ignore our concerns. So we all have left the left, and decided that we want to let it be known that not only have we left the left but we support our president, we support our police, and most of all we support law and order.” —Patrick Hampton

Observations: “Sleepy Joe Biden had a particularly bad day today. He couldn’t remember the name of Mitt Romney, said again he was running for the U.S. Senate, and forgot what State he was in. If I did any of this, it would be disqualifying. With him, he’s just Sleepy Joe!” —Donald Trump

Justice: “I have an agenda to stick to the Rule of Law.” —Amy Coney Barrett

Narrative shift: “The only court packing going on right now is going on with Republicans packing the court now. It’s not constitutional what they’re doing.” —Joe Biden

The BIG Lie: “Thank you. I am glad to see that you [condemn white supremacy]. I wish our president would say that so resolutely and unequivocally as well, but we are at a time [where] Americans are literally fearful because their president cannot do that in the resolute manner in which you did. I am sorry that that question even had to be asked at this time.” —Senator Cory Booker to Amy Coney Barrett (Fact check: Trump HAS condemned white supremacy — repeatedly.)

Conspiracy theorist: “A well-stocked bench can deliver things elected members of Congress would never vote for: such as letting corporations spend unlimited … anonymous, untraceable ‘dark money’ in our elections. The prizes are enormous, and big special interests have the stamina to play the long game.” —Senator Sheldon Whitehouse “questioning” Amy Coney Barrett

Braying jenny: “It’s a very weird thing to watch these old creeps congratulate a handmaid on her clown car vagina.” —feminist author Lauren Hough

Braying jenny II: “It does seem telling that the Republicans who have spoken so far have emphasized Amy Coney Barrett’s fertility and family size. It’s almost like the message is, ok you’re a very successful Career Woman, but you’ve justified your selfish ambitions by having seven kids so it’s ok.” —Washington Post contributor Jill Filipovic

Non compos mentis: “How many of you have been unable to hug your grandkids in the last seven months? I got six of ‘em.” —Joe Biden (Fact check: Biden has SEVEN grandchildren, including Hunter’s illegitimate child in Arkansas.)

And last: “[Amy Coney Barrett] should have brought an AR-15 to the hearing and cleaned it while they asked her dumb questions.” —Frank J. Fleming