The Patriot Post® · SPLC Pushes 'Anti-Racism' Indoctrination in Schools

By Thomas Gallatin ·

The leftist hate-labeling and race-baiting Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) recently released a guide for school teachers offering them ways to “manage their white fragility.” The guide, created by the SPLC’s ironically named “Teach Tolerance” division, claims, without evidence, that black teachers are unduly burdened in working against racism in large part because many white teachers have supposedly used their privilege to ignore the “problem.” The guide condemns white teachers for failing to adhere to the Left’s false systemic racism narrative as a means of guilting them into uncritically accepting its claim of their “white fragility.”

For example, the guide reads in part: “We know we all live in the same society of racism and white supremacy. We know white educators have the privilege to ignore these conditions and often do. … While all educators of color carry the burden of white supremacy, black teachers have even more weight placed on them.”

The guide claims that white teachers can demonstrate their commitment to the “anti-racism” cause by following and promoting the messages of woke activists and by shunning those fellow teachers and even students who refuse to accept their “anti-racist” training. To put it bluntly, it’s cultist.

Anna Miller, education policy analyst at the Idaho Freedom Foundation, predicted that the SPLC’s dubious “anti-racism” training guide would result in families “exit[ing] the system as public schools increasingly mandate anti-racist, anti-bias reeducation and teach children to hate their country.” She added, “Many poor and middle-class students, however, will remain trapped in a debased system void of educational value.”

However, for the SPLC and other “woke” organizations, “anti-racism” is big business. The Washington Free Beacon reports, “The group’s new guidelines come as similar companies are raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in anti-racist consultancy fees. In Virginia’s Loudoun County, the school district spent $422,500 on equity and diversity training in less than two years.”

Miller further observes, “If black lives really matter to today’s institutions, as they should, there would be no greater purpose than cultivating students’ minds instead of demanding acquiescence to a corrupt political cause.” Exactly. Parents should demand education, not indoctrination.