The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Upright: “The idea behind giving professors lifetime tenure is that this will enable them to speak out freely. But it would be hard to name any other occupation with a more cowardly record than academics, who have been giving in to politically correct campus bullies ever since the 1960s.” —Thomas Sowell

Friendly fire: “[AOC is] not that active with her bills or in committee. She’s more active on Twitter than anything else.” —Senator Joe Manchin

The non-PC reality: “[Vanderbilt kicker Sarah] Fuller did not prove that women belong on every field. She proved the opposite. They don’t belong on a football field with men. And that’s okay. That doesn’t make them less than men. It just makes them not men. And there is dignity and beauty in accepting that.” —Matt Walsh

Alpha jackass I: “Scott Atlas just resigned his position as Trump’s accessory to mass murder by #coronavirus.” —author Grant Stern

Alpha jackass II: “Scott Atlas has resigned. I really hope @Stanford fires him immediately. What university wants a mass murderer on their faculty?” —author Don Winslow

Alpha jackass III: “Scott Atlas resigns to spend more time infecting his family.” —executive producer Danny Zuker

Hypocrite in chief: “At the end of the day we Americans loved our cheap gas and big cars more than we cared about the environment, except when a complete disaster was staring us in the face.” —Barack Obama, who owns multiple energy-draining mansions, regarding the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill

And last… “We’re seeing this move towards socialism because capitalism they see as inherently corrupt. That is wrong. Capitalism is the greatest thing humanity’s ever done. We told a bad narrative, and we’ve let the enemies of business and the enemies of capitalism put out a narrative about us that’s wrong. It’s inaccurate.” —Whole Foods founder and CEO John Mackey