The Patriot Post® · Shining a Light in the Darkness

By Roger Helle ·

I have to admit that Donald Trump was not my initial choice for president. It wasn’t until it came down to Trump or Hillary Clinton that I knew I didn’t have a choice.

I also have to admit there were numerous times over the last four years when I cringed at Trump’s loose-cannon approach to social media. Many times, I prayed he would restrain himself from his “ready, shoot, aim” use of Twitter. But it was not to be. During the campaign, I prayed he would stay focused on voters, not make everything about him. But that didn’t happen, did it?

Now, as the nation awaits the results of recounts and legal challenges, I realize the brilliance of Trump’s strategy. Conservatives have known for years the mainstream media was biased. It treated President Ronald Reagan like he was an idiot, as it did with George W. Bush. It kissed Barack Obama’s ring, even as he spied on the media and prosecuted more “leakers” than any other administration.

Then came the abnormal presidency of Donald Trump. After all of Hillary’s dirty campaign deeds failed, mainstream media outlets lost their collective minds! “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is a very real thing. We had four years of nonstop hatred, distortion of facts, and outright lies to twist Trump’s record of accomplishments. Never has any president been so viciously attacked by the media. He received no respect or courtesy from Day One. Recall The Washington Post on the day of his Inauguration: “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.”

Trump’s behavior revealed the Left’s absolute contempt for the truth, the Rule of Law, and any sense of fairness. Democrats could not believe Trump beat them and became president. Their arrogance and condescending attitude led them to believe their own propaganda. They launched an all-out attack on our democracy and nothing seemed to work. I believe the election was stolen, but that’s a subject for another time. No one else could have done what Trump has done. Not Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, and certainly not Jeb Bush.

What Trump did succeed at was exposing the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) for who they are. In their blind hatred for Trump, they revealed themselves for everyone to see. Because they hated Trump so bitterly, they believed everyone else felt the same way. This delusion caused them to take dangerous steps to overthrow the will of the people.

But a good portion of America — we bitter clingers and Bible-believing, deplorable chumps — stood by him anyway. Trump kicked over the wasp’s nest and they came out in full view of all Americans. Now they have nowhere to hide. They were exposed! If we are honest with ourselves, regardless of our political affiliation, we now see them clearly for who they really are. There’s no going back to the tactics they used to subvert justice and the Rule of Law.

This is not over, and millions of American Patriots are praying for the truth to be revealed. I don’t know who will be Inaugurated on January 20th. But I do know one thing: Patriots will not sit on the sidelines while the very foundation of our Republic is undermined by those whom, I believe, committed treason!

Something to think about?