The Patriot Post® · Friday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • President Trump condemns “heinous attack” on Capitol, calls for “healing and reconciliation” (Fox News)

  • Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer call for Trump’s immediate removal, threaten impeachment (ABC News)

  • Transportation Secretary (and wife of Mitch McConnell) Elaine Chao resigns (Washington Examiner) | Education Secretary Betsy DeVos also resigns (CBS News)

  • Senator James Inhofe says he’s never seen Mike Pence so angry amid Trump calls to block election certification (The Hill)

  • Trump says he “will not be going” to Biden inauguration (Fox News) | “It was a much more difficult decision days ago, but less difficult now”: Pence expected to attend Biden’s inauguration (Fox News)

  • Trump legal team pulls four Georgia lawsuits aimed at overturning Joe Biden win (Washington Examiner)

National Security

  • Capitol Police officer dies after being hit in head with fire extinguisher during DC riots (NY Post)

  • Head of U.S. Capitol Police to resign on January 16 (WGN 9) | House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving also resigns (Daily Caller)

  • Police release photos of suspects in siege (NY Post)

  • FBI releases photo of person accused of placing two explosives amid DC riots (NY Post)


  • U.S. loses 140,000 jobs, first monthly loss since spring (AP)

  • Trade deficit soars to 14-year high in November (Politico)

On a Lighter Note…

  • Malaysian engineers make drones out of pineapples (Not the Bee)

  • Porch pirate gets caught in the act, then gets his car stuck in the snow trying to escape (Not the Bee)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: How the free market can protect and preserve the environment (The Federalist)

  • Policy: Six key takeaways every student should receive from Econ 101 (FEE)

  • Satire: Trump circumvents Twitter ban with emergency alert system (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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