The Patriot Post® · Silencing the Lambs

By Roger Helle ·

Last week, I talked about all the finger-pointing taking place in the Republican Party. Many pointed fingers at each other while throwing Donald Trump under the bus if it helped them politically. Republicans divided, arguing with each other while the Left watched with glee. The Left is unified; Republicans are not. Conservatives continue to play defense while the Left plays offense. You don’t win in sports or politics playing only defense.

This same battle is taking place in the Church. Trump haters and Trump supporters are in their own circular firing squads shooting each other. I have been a casualty of this infighting, as have many other Christians. A very good friend whom I love dearly believes all of us Trump supporters were lied to and we are like cult members.

When Biden won, my friend posted that the country was saved and democracy prevailed. He suggested Trump’s Presidential Library be located at Alcatraz. Now, if my news sources were CNN, NPR, MSNBC, and other mainstream media, I would probably feel the same way. Trump would seem to be the epitome of evil. The leftist propaganda machine worked.

Let me state clearly what many followers of Jesus believe about Trump. President Trump was never our “idol.” We were able to separate what Trump said (social media) from what he accomplished (actual policy). We didn’t have to like what Trump said to be thankful for what he did. We put up with his personality and celebrated his policies.

Trump was elected because he was NOT a politician, not because of his sterling character. Anyone remember Hillary Clinton’s sterling character qualities? Me neither! We had a choice to make and we chose the lesser of two evils at the time.

Trump’s election was, to me, God taking “the foolish things of the world to confuse the wise” (Romans 1). Sort of like an unsaved Persian king named Cyrus who freed the Israelites from Babylonian captivity and paid to rebuild their temple. God is not limited to using only those I approve of. I believe Trump did good things for America, so obviously I’m in a cult!

Other Christians voted for Joe Biden and his team because they hated Trump. They claim they don’t “hate” Trump, but there’s a lot of voltage when his name comes up. Leftists told us what they would do when they won, and they are doing it quickly — more access to abortion; “LGBTQ” rights; open borders; and, more importantly, punish, censor, and silence those who supported Trump.

You believed a Biden presidency was better than a Trump presidency because … why? Maybe because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were of such sterling character and godly virtues, that made them better than Trump! And you’re okay with the new administration’s desire to punish and deprogram Trump voters? To silence the free speech of conservatives?

Most Patriot Post readers know our Declaration’s opening statement: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…”

Christians, you and I have one enemy, and he’s not a Democrat or a Republican. Satan is the author of all the turmoil and deception we see around us. If we fail to see this, we will surrender our country to godless communism. Our religious freedom will only be a distant memory.

We’re NOT in a political battle; we are in the deadliest spiritual battle our nation has ever faced. It’s not “Right or Left”; it’s good against evil.

Something to think about?