The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Sham Impeachment 2.0

  • Impeachment case absurdly argues Trump was “singularly responsible” for Capitol riot (NY Times)

  • “He holds no public office from which he can be removed”: Lawyers offer Trump’s constitutional answer to impeachment article (Daily Wire)

Government & Politics

  • Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell strike deal on Senate power-sharing agreement (Fox News)

  • With 28 executive orders signed in just two weeks, Biden is off to a record start (NPR)

  • Unity! House starts work on coronavirus relief after press secretary warns Biden won’t “slow down” for Republicans (Fox News)

  • Senate confirms Pete “Pothole Problem” Buttigieg as transportation secretary (The Hill)

  • Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed as Department of Homeland Security secretary (Politico)

  • Critical roadblock: Joe Manchin says he doesn’t support raising minimum wage to $15 per hour (The Hill)

  • AOC manipulatively uses #MeToo claim to silence political opponents (PJ Media)


As we’ve pointed out numerous times over the years, the media loved Trump when he first announced his candidacy, and even tacitly as president, because he drove ratings, which meant more money for their coffers. Take Trump out of the equation, though, and those ratings suddenly crater. The chickens are coming home to roost.

  • Given DHS warning, a look at U.S. domestic extremism threats (NPR)

According to the article, “The Trump administration was often accused of downplaying the danger of white supremacists and other extremists.” Yet there is zero mention of Black Lives Matter or antifa — both of which have been domestic extremism threats for years. To borrow from tone-deaf NPR, the leftmedia is clearly “downplaying the danger” of left-wing radicals.


  • Feds will start shipping COVID vaccines directly to pharmacies (Daily Mail)

  • Number of Americans vaccinated against COVID-19 (26.5 million) now greater than official number who have been infected (26.3 million) (Disrn)

Keep in mind, though, that the true number of infected Americans is presumably tens of millions higher.

  • People with COVID antibodies may only need one vaccine dose (Daily Mail)

National Security

  • White House confirms Space Force will continue under Biden administration (Examiner)

According to Press Secretary Jen “Circle Back” Psaki, “We look forward to the continuing work of Space Force and invite the members of the team to come visit us in the briefing room anytime to share an update on their important work.” Revealingly, however, her “important work” talking point came only hours after critiquing said Space Force.

  • Two FBI agents fatally shot, three wounded while serving warrant in South Florida (Miami Herald)

Business & Economy

Around the Nation

  • Texas lawmakers introduce bills to protect the dignity of women’s sports (Examiner)

  • Local Kroger stores close as Long Beach, California, "hero pay" ordinance backfires (FEE)

Double Standards

  • John Kerry took private jet to Iceland for environmental award, called it “only choice for somebody like me” (Fox News)

We’re Shocked — Shocked!

  • Anthony Fauci flip-flops again on Biden’s supposed 100-day school reopening plan (The Federalist)

  • Democrats who resisted reopening schools took thousands from teacher unions (Daily Wire)

Odds & Ends

  • Leftists aim to restore net neutrality rules — and go much further (Examiner)

  • All for show? Biden makes visit to Capitol to honor Officer Brian Sicknick (Examiner)

  • Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny sent to prison on old conviction (NPR)

“Captain Obvious” Headline Award

  • Poll: Most people in U.S. overwhelmed by issues facing the nation (UPI)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: How to strike back against Big Tech censorship (Power Line)

  • Policy: Government’s money monopoly and the “Great Reset” (Mises Institute)

  • Humor: Jeff Bezos announces he will step down from Amazon to focus on being a Bond Villain (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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