The Patriot Post® · Thursday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Rush Limbaugh

  • Farewell: Rush Limbaugh, conservative talk-radio pioneer, dead at 70 (Fox News)

  • “For government to give, it must first take away”: The 20 greatest quotes from Limbaugh (

Government & Politics

  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo under investigation for callous nursing home deaths (ABC News)

  • Bowe Bergdahl targets Trump and McCain comments in lawsuit challenging court-martial (Fox News)

  • Joe Biden rightly disappoints hard leftists on minimum wage hike and student loan forgiveness (Examiner)


  • Hypocritical Twitter allows grotesque hashtags to trend following Limbaugh’s death (Daily Wire)

  • CNN says Chris Cuomo is no longer allowed to interview his brother, Governor Cuomo (Examiner)

“Glad they nipped that in the bud before it got weird. #TooLate” —Nate Jackson


  • The U.S. is now administering average of 1.7 million vaccine doses per day (Disrn)

  • U.S. life expectancy drops a year in pandemic — the most since WWII (Fox News)

National Security

  • Government seizes over 10 million phony N95 masks in COVID probe (AP)

  • Three North Korean military hackers indicted in wide-ranging scheme (

Business & Economy

  • U.S. retail sales rebounded sharply in January  — up a seasonally adjusted 5.3% (Reuters)

  • Google and News Corp strike a deal: Google will start paying for the use of News Corp’s journalism in the U.S., UK, and Australia (NBC News) | Meanwhile, Facebook will restrict users from sharing news in Australia (Axios)

“Non Compos Mentis” Awards

  • Baltimore activist suggests paying killers not to kill (Fox News)

Only in Baltimore. Next thing you know, he’ll be mayor!

  • Security camera catches LA County health inspector breaking into dance like a psycho moments after ordering bar to shut down (Not the Bee)

  • Karma: At least 30 Taliban terrorists blow themselves up during bomb-making class (Disrn)

Stranger Than Fiction

  • Pigs can play video games with their snouts, scientists find (BBC News)

  • Florida man (of course!) steals rings from one girlfriend to propose to another (Complex)

American Spirit

  • Porch pirate attempts to steal a package and is met with a loaded rifle (Not the Bee)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: The failure of the Texas power grid is worse than you think (The Federalist)

  • Policy: Technology alone won’t end poverty. We need savings first. (Mises Institute)

  • Humor: Party of Love and Progress™ rejoices over death of political opponent Rush Limbaugh (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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